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A summer of social distancing

Midway through this unusual summer we've decided to share some tips we use ourselves to stay sane (keeping in mind all the recommendations provided by the World Health Organization, of course).

Stay in touch with your close ones: while the pandemic is still far from over and we should keep staying 6 feet apart when getting together and wear masks, socialization is even more important for our mental health and wellbeing. Spending time with our families and friends (again, observing all the necessary recommendations) can help to keep a healthy level of social interaction and get through this difficult time.

Get closer to nature: spending time outside (safely!) and breathing fresh air is essential (when you are in good health). Go for a walk to a park nearby, choose walking or cycling instead of public transport whenever is possible, try to do physical exercising and meditation sessions outside – it’ll help you to boost the immune system and lift your spirits.

Watch a movie with friends (while on a video call): with all the streaming services available nowadays it shouldn’t be a problem to organize a cinema night when everybody stays at their homes to keep proper social distance but being connected at the same time (and don’t forget to grab some popcorn).

Take care and stay safe!

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